8 Ways to Get Your Work-Life Balance Sorted (Infographic)

8 Ways to Get Your Work-Life Balance Sorted (Infographic)
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 31 October, 2022

How is your work-life balance?

If this sounds like you, newsflash: you’re not alone!

  • Have you been feeling tired and burnt out from work?
  • Do your working hours constantly spill out into your personal time?
  • Do you feel like work is all you ever think about?

A lot of us struggle when it comes to drawing clear boundaries between our professional and personal lives. We aspire to achieve the perfect work-life balance, but it’s tough.

Technology makes it exceedingly easy for employees to be contactable 24/7 (the audacity!), and the fear of job loss keeps them working longer hours. For many, work often becomes a priority over everything else, and as a result we start to neglect our well-being. Well, it’s time for a change because if there’s one thing the pandemic taught us, it’s that life is precious. I mean, YOLO guys!

So, the next time you want to take the day off and do nothing but unwind – do it! Don’t feel guilty if you’re going to spend your lunch hour to yourself – you deserve a break to recharge during your workday! Making small changes to help you build a healthier work-life balance will allow you to reap a host of benefits – such as lower stress levels, better productivity, and improved relationships. (Sign me up, bro!)

If that sounds good to you, here are some things you can try on your journey towards achieving a healthy work-life balance:

  • No means no
  • MYOB (Mind Your Own Boundaries!)
  • Stay in peak health
  • Unplug to recharge
  • Book in your vacays
  • Don’t chase perfectionism (it’s soooo last season!)
  • Try therapy; it can be life-changing!
  • Stay thankful

Most importantly, celebrate every little step you take. With time, your efforts will add up, and you’ll find yourself feeling happier, healthier, and more fulfilled – definitely the glow-up you need!

More from this category: Workplace wellbeing

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