9 Quick Tips to Rediscover Yourself and Your Full Potential

9 Quick Tips to Rediscover Yourself and Your Full Potential
Jobstreet content teamupdated on 19 December, 2022

Once in a while, you may feel lost about where you are in your personal or professional life. You may realise that you haven’t met the goals you set for yourself. We may no longer be as confident about our skills and abilities. Your achievements may seem to pale in comparison with those of your peers, colleagues, or even family members. When these feelings and worries start to creep in, it’s time to give these tips to rediscover yourself – and your full potential – a try.

Why is self-discovery important?

In an age where a fast-paced, work-oriented culture has become the norm, it’s easy for anyone to forget about their dreams and objectives. Maybe you’re stuck in a rut, and the familiarity of the routine you’ve built has led you to feel stagnant in some way. Or, you may even be feeling burnt out or trapped in your current work. At worst, it may lead you to compare yourself with others and lose confidence in your own capabilities. You may even feel that you have become a totally different person or have strayed far from the future you wanted to build for yourself.

By embarking on a journey of self-discovery, you can get back on track with certain aspects of your personal and professional life. You may finally realise what you’re truly good at. It may help you identify any necessary adjustments to help you overcome failures and challenges. You may even discover new interests and forge new skills that may lead you to a different but more rewarding career path.

Quick Tips to Rediscover Yourself

The journey to self-discovery (or rediscovery) doesn’t need to be daunting or complicated. With these 9 quick tips, you’ll be on your way to evaluating yourself, your career roadmap, and the potential changes you need for your personal and professional life. If you really want to be thorough and methodical about it, make sure you have a pen and paper ready for making notes that you can refer to later.

1. Envision your best self.

Your vision for the best version of yourself is a good place to start, but it can also be the most challenging. You may have no idea what it could look like or what constitutes your “best self.”

So, start by asking yourself, who do you want to be in the future? What career paths do you see yourself finding the most success or fulfilment? What personal traits or professional skills do you think you need to be more successful? Who are the people you look up to, and why? You’ll find that these questions make great jump-off points for understanding yourself better and the next steps.

2. Define your core values.

Knowing what your core values are will make it easier for you to make the necessary positive changes to become the best version of yourself. What are the things that are most important to you? What are your non-negotiables? What kind of environment do you find yourself most at peace or comfortable in? Where do you find the best ideas and inspiration?

3. Take note of your strengths and weaknesses.

This part is another challenging yet essential part of your journey to rediscovering yourself. Through the years, learning opportunities, training, and experiences will equip you with skills and competencies that you’ll find helpful in life and at work. These are your strengths. Meanwhile, you will also find some things that you have no knowledge of or are not so good at and may need some improvement with. These are your weaknesses. List them all down, and think about what you can do to make good use of your strengths and how you can improve your weak points.

4. Practice self-reflection.

Self-reflection allows you to evaluate your thinking, emotional responses, and behavioural processes. When you make it a habit to self-reflect once in a while, you may be able to quickly and easily realise why you think, feel, and act the way you do. In the professional setting, it also helps you determine if you are happy in your current work or if it’s time to take on a different role or career.

5. Identify your passion points.

Similar to your core values, your passion points are a reflection of what makes you feel happiest or the most fulfilled. What roles do you feel you’re most suited to? Do you support any causes or advocacies that fit well with what you currently do? What do you enjoy doing to relax or unwind during your free time? You may even find hobbies or interests that you can transform into a side gig or alternate career!

6. Explore new interests.

Venturing into new hobbies or interests will also broaden your horizons, equip you with additional skills and knowledge, and even build new personal and professional connections. Maybe there are some workshops, online courses, and other learning opportunities that can help you excel better at work. Maybe there’s something that you’ve always been curious about but never really got to dive into. Now is a great time to finally get started!

7. Evaluate your personal and professional milestones.

Take time to note your personal and professional achievements and milestones. It’s a great way to build your confidence and encourage you to keep doing your best in everything that you do. Make sure that you celebrate all successes, however small. This way, you can better appreciate your progress, reinforce good habits, and boost positivity.

8. Create a life and career plan.

All the above-mentioned tips for rediscovering yourself culminate in a life and career plan. Everything you’ve taken note of, all the realisations that you had, all the changes you decided you must do – all of them go into those two plans. Consider the records of your self-discovery (or rediscovery) and your guides on how you can use your learnings to your advantage.

9. Surround yourself with people who can help you on a journey of self-discovery.

Lastly, never underestimate the help that a support group can give you. If you find yourself constantly dealing with thoughts of self-doubt or feelings of inadequacy, these people can help you keep them at bay.

The right people will be supportive, honest, and unbiased with you – they won’t praise you or indulge you just to make you feel better. They will encourage you to see and evaluate things more objectively, which will greatly help your journey to rediscover yourself and your full potential.


Rediscovering yourself – your passions, interests, core values, strengths, and weaknesses – requires a great deal of digging into your psyche. However, it brings long-term advantages to your personal and professional life by getting you as close as possible to realising your full potential. Hopefully, the quick tips mentioned above can help make the exercise easier and more insightful.

Now that you’re ready to use these tips to rediscover yourself, you might need to pivot your career in a direction that aligns with your findings. #SeekBetter jobs in the country today, starting with creating or updating your JobStreet profile!

Lastly, check out the Career Resources page as well for more tips on job searching, self-improvement, and career advancement!

More from this category: Workplace wellbeing

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